Supporting Idaho behavioral health initiatives
In partnership with providers and organizations across Idaho, we demonstrate our thought leadership on some of the most high-impact issues facing healthcare, including suicide prevention and the unique needs of children and youth. Through our involvement and contributions in community initiatives, we are committed to helping Idahoans live healthy, vibrant lives.
Magellan of Idaho My Ascension virtual screening event
A suicide attempt left 16-year-old varsity cheerleader, Emma Benoit, paralyzed, but propelled her on a mission to use her painful experience to help others find hope and stay alive.
My Ascension is a feature length documentary that chronicles Emma’s inspiring journey and quest to walk again, as she works to bring Hope Squad, a school-based suicide prevention program, to Louisiana.
The film also highlights the stories of two remarkable young people who tragically did not survive their attempts, and we learn first-hand from their families, friends, school officials and suicide prevention experts about the devastating effects of suicide and what can be done to prevent it.
On September 14, 2021, Magellan Healthcare hosted a 90-minute screening of the film, followed by an important dialogue related to preventing youth suicides in Idaho.
Watch the trailer and learn more
Idaho Recovery in Action Summit
On July 29, 2021, Magellan co-hosted the Idaho Recovery in Action Summit with Recovery in Motion to address recommendations from the Idaho Behavioral Health Council’s Strategic Action Plan, and share information, ideas and best practices related to enhancing recovery and peer support services in Idaho.
Idaho Governor Brad Little and the Director of the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare Dave Jeppesen were in attendance, along with community organizations and individuals in recovery.
Check out news coverage and additional photos from the event
Highlights from the event
“The event today in Idaho was stellar! I’ve been involved with a lot of these types of events over the last 20 years and without hesitation I can tell you that this one far exceeded what one could hope for… It was very touching from a human perspective and very impactful from a strategic level. Obviously hard to measure the impact of these intangible activities, but I frankly can’t fathom an event being more impactful.”
-2021 Idaho Recovery in Action Summit participant
Idaho Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health family education conference, YES You CAN(S)! and Yes YOUth Can!
Magellan sponsored and participated in these events from May 5-8, 2021.
The YES You CAN(S)! family education conference was held for parents and caregivers of youth who have experience with mental health, substance abuse, foster care and juvenile justice related issues to learn about the CANS tool, developing effective plans of care for youth accessing mental healthcare in Idaho, and the variety of options available throughout the mental health journey.
Yes YOUth Can! inspired and empowered youth ages 13 to 18 and young adults who have experience with mental health, substance abuse, foster care and juvenile justice related issues to use their experience to help improve services and systems that serve youth in Idaho.
If you missed these events, you can check out the presentations, including Magellan’s, “The CANS Caregiver Resource and Needs Domain in Child and Family Team Process,” below.
Watch the presentation recordings
Empowering Transition Age Youth event
On December 18, 2019, Magellan hosted a free event to discuss challenges and solutions to help better serve transition age youth, ages 16 to 24.
The event took place at the Boise Library in Boise, Idaho and featured:
- An interactive dialogue focused on improving outcomes for transition age youth
- Voices of transition age youth
- Information and resources to benefit transition age youth
Idaho Youth Unite event
On November 4, 2019, Magellan hosted a free event to empower Idaho youth to work together to improve the systems that serve them and create brighter futures for themselves, their peers and their communities. Mental health, substance use, child welfare and juvenile justice issues were a special focus of the event.
With support from 14 local partner organizations, the event:
- Facilitated an interactive dialogue to help solve challenges facing Idaho youth
- Featured engaging presentations and activities to inspire meaningful conversations
- Provided information and local resources for youth, families and professionals
Highlights from the event
Suicide prevention conference in Boise
On June 12, 2019, Magellan brought together nearly 200 local and national leaders to exchange ideas, share successes and discuss solutions around the challenges we face together in addressing suicide prevention in Idaho and across the country.
Free for all attendees, the event featured expert national speakers on suicide prevention, highlighted the efforts of local organizations proactively addressing suicide and provided networking opportunities for speakers and attendees.
Download conference overview See all presentations
Highlights from the conference
Why People Die by Suicide: Recent Developments, Thomas Joiner, PhD., The Robert O. Lawton Distinguished Professor of Psychology, FSU
Preventing Suicide in ALL Healthcare Settings: Now We Know What Must be Done, Michael F. Hogan, Ph.D., Principal, Hogan Health Solutions, LLC
Plenary session, Suicide Prevention in Idaho: Perspectives Across Settings, moderated by Charley Curie, Principal and Founder, The Curie Group, LLC
“I want to thank Magellan for being BOLD enough to see a need and then STRONG enough to do something about it.”
-2019 suicide prevention conference attendee